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Sponsoring a school gives you the chance to be part of something big in more ways than one. It gives you the chance to see how your support and our work are changing your school, and the lives of its children, for the better. It also gives you the chance to be part of a wider change for good. That’s because Link’s approach acknowledges that no school operates in isolation. To make lasting improvements in the quality of education in individual schools, change must involve the headteachers, teachers, parents, local community, district education offices and ultimately the national policy makers that surround and support each school.

So, by becoming a sponsor, you won’t just be investing in the development of your school alone. You will also be investing in Link’s work with the local communities and district education authorities that monitor and support schools. This work strengthening and supporting district authorities enables us to influence the quality of education provided by every school in a district.

This means that each year your contribution is not just helping one child, or even just one school, but instead is improving the chances of all the children and schools in all the districts that we work in. Sponsoring a school gives you a chance to be part of changing hundreds of young lives for the better each year – and that is something really big.


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Sponsor A Child

Sponsorship is a special kind of giving that creates a relationship between you and the community in which Save the Children is helping to create real and lasting change. It provides more than the satisfaction that comes with aid for improving the health and well-being of children; it delivers a special opportunity to witness young lives lifted over time. Through child sponsorship, two lives are changed forever: yours and the life of your sponsored child.


    Creates a unique bond between you and a child in need
    Helps benefactors witness firsthand the work that Save the Children does
    Fosters a meaningful relationship through letters and other correspondence across borders and human boundaries





Make a donation, make a difference

Every single day, thousands of children experience terrible abuse and
suffer in silence. But with your help, we can put a stop to this.

By making a donation today you can help us be there for more abused
children. It´s simple, just start by choosing how much you´d like to donate.

How your donation helps

Thanks to you we're developing our helplines and direct services to give children the help and protection they so desperately need.  It all helps to keep them safe from abuse - so whatever you can afford, it will make an incredible difference.



Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, which in return produces a feeling of self-worth and respect, but no financial gain. Volunteering is also famous for skill development, socialization and fun. It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment or for a variety of other reasons.

Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.


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